Will Rhode Island Ever Change?
There are a lot of great pieces of legislation being introduced this year but barring a miracle they will never make it out of their respective committees and ever see the light of day because our state has a ‘Super Majority!’
By definition that means that one party controls the office of governor as well as having a majority in both the Senate and the House chambers of the legislature. In Rhode Island it is the Democratic Party that has the ‘Super Majority’ as you can clearly see by the colored dots in the diagram below. The BLUE dot majority actually controls what laws get passed or NOT passed! If you are not happy with what’s going on in our state with schools, employment, taxes and roads etc., the only way to bring about real change is by adding more red dots or by making your voice heard by phone or email.

Senate Political Groups House Political Groups Majority (65)
Majority (33) * Democratic (65) *Democratic (33) Minority (10)
Minority (5) * Republican (9)
*Republican (5) * Independent (1)
Here is ONE GREAT BILL that won’t get passed unless you take ACTION!
Senate Bill No. 2703 BY Senator Elaine Morgan
This bill prohibits gender transition procedures for all minors, use of public funds for that purpose, discipline for health care providers for providing the same, a thirty (30) year statute of limitation, right to a civil action for damages.
Please PRAY and email the Health and Human Services Committee using: slegislation@rilegislature.gov (or call 401-222-2381). When you do, reference Senate Bill No. 2703 and tell them you WANT this to become law so minors can be HELPED and NOT Harmed!
And there’s ONE TERRIBLE BILL that should never see the light of day, Senate bill 2262 THE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER SHIELD ACT. It creates a protective legal shield for Dr.’s and healthcare providers who performed these harmful gender surgeries on MINORS so they cannot be sued for the permanent harm done to them.
Rhode Island’s Dr. Michelle Cretella is a well-known pediatrician and a national spokesperson on the issue of helping and not harming those suffering from gender dysphoria. She wrote the following letter to the committee explaining why doctors should not be shielded but should be held accountable.
Transgenderism is becoming a major issue of importance in our day. Young people and parents are being swept up in it without knowing the real medical facts or knowing the age-appropriate information being dispensed on social-media and in our schools!
Please read her letter below..…it will make you so much more aware of what needs to be accomplished by taking action today.
OPPOSE Senate Bill 2262 - the Healthcare Provider Shield Act
I am Dr. Michelle Cretella, a pediatrician consultant to attorneys representing de-transitioners in litigation against the gender-affirming doctors who devastated their lives by transitioning them as teens.
RI must protect vulnerable patients; not the doctors who knowingly harm them. I urge you to oppose this bill.
1) Most de-transitioners are now women in their twenties who have suffered permanent damage including painful sexual intercourse, inability to orgasm, “broken voices”, 5 O’clock shadows, “feeling like a freak”, extreme anxiety from knowing they may be infertile, and/or never nurse a baby; depression & anxiety regarding their poor long-term health due to years on toxic levels of Testosterone.
2) Every de-transitioner was a gender dysphoric youth who fell prey to social contagion and doctors who pushed them to transition while ignoring their histories of mental illness and traumas up to and including sexual abuse which predated and likely caused their gender dysphoria. This past October, 2 lawsuits were filed against Rhode Island providers by “de-transitioners” who are suffering worse now than before being transitioned.
3) And we can expect a surge of similar well-warranted malpractice lawsuits. Thanks to a whistle-blower in the World Professional Association of Transgender Health, the world learned this week that Dr. Joyce Asseler and her fellow WPATH health professionals knew that by an average age of 32 years, 27% of children transitioned young with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and surgeries express regret over “sacrificing their fertility;” a recent literature review found the previous hyped studies alleging regret rates of only 1-2% are too flawed to be correct; and a recent study out of Finland proves that suicide in trans youth is due to unresolved mental illnesses and that gender reassignment does not reduce suicide. So, yes; we are only seeing the tip of the regret / de-trans iceberg.
4) Seven international studies of the highest scientific quality conclude that gender transition in minors is experimental at best. Risk of harm to youth from transition is high. Youth placed on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones face elevated risks across their lifespan including but not limited to infertility, bone loss, blood clots, stroke, heart attack, cancers and more including suicide.
5) The UK, Sweden, Denmark and Finland have restricted medical transition in minors to clinical trials, and mandated psychotherapy as the first line for minors with gender dysphoria. Norway’s 4 health councils have recommended the same for that country.
6) The physician inventor of lobotomy received the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1949 and the practice was not repudiated until 1967. The State of Rhode Island has no interest in protecting “gender experts” who are the equivalent of yesterday’s expert lobotomists.
Rhode Island has every interest in giving every harmed patient their day in court. Vote NO to SB2262.
(* Article references from science journals are not included but available)

For Faith and Family in Rhode Island
David Aucoin
Rhode Island Family Institute
mobile: 401-285-0304
"I urge then, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior"... 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Rhode Island Family Institute Is a non profit 501 (c)3 Donations are tax deductible