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Advantages Of Marriage God's Way

Advantages of Marriage God's Way

God created marriage as a loyal partnership between one man and one woman. Marriage is the firmest foundation for building a family. Marriage mirrors God’s covenant relationship with His people.

Traditional Family Under Attack

I recently read an article that reminded me of why the Rhode Island Family Institute exists, which is to protect and promote the traditional family and help it to THRIVE!

This is the link for the disturbing article:

News – Biden admin submits rule to force all public schools to accept all LGBT ‘identities!’ The subtitle read: Joe Biden is ‘waging an ideological war’ against K-12 and college education.


You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to realize that while this is speaking about public schools, the end-game will be to enforce this change and indoctrinate the next generation (our children) in every place of education.

Everything that contradicts this ideology will be labeled as ‘HATE SPEECH!’ and a violation of federal civil rights law. It’s already happening in Canada and other nations. It is clearly an attempt to erase Christian teachings on MARRIAGE and FAMILY from the American culture entirely.

We cannot let that happen because it is those very Christian morals and beliefs that have made America the nation that everyone wants to come to.  With God’s help we have got to SAVE MARRIAGE and RESTORE respect for marriage as a divine institution and be proactive to protect our families.  It may be that the turning point in the culture war will come about by rediscovering the value and advantages of doing FAMILY as God intended it beginning with MARRIAGE.

I love this article from Psychology Today about The Advantages of Marriage Over Cohabitation | Psychology Today. Here are some KEY POINTS:

  • The commitment of marriage is more satisfying than cohabitation

  • Tying the knot often strengthens relationships

  • Formalizing a partnership creates investment

KATIE ANDERSON - Detransitioner tells her cautionary true story to help those struggling with gender dysphoria. She shared her story to a group of 80 people on February 10th. See link below to watch and listen.

Your support to RIFI makes these events possible and supplies resources to help families deal with difficult issues like this!

For Faith and Family in Rhode Island

David Aucoin

Rhode Island Family Institute mobile: 401-285-0304  Rhode Island Family Institute is a non profit 501 (c) 3 Donations are tax deductible

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