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Making A Difference In Faith and Family - Rhode Island Family Institute



During the Christmas season,  you were likely to hear the classical masterpiece, Handel’s Messiah even though it originally debuts in 1742. The finale of the second part is my favorite! Lyrically, it announces Jesus’ triumphant reign after His Resurrection and is a quote from Revelation 11:15…“The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of HIS Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever.”

The repetition of that stanza over and over is meant to reinforce that what we see by way of earthly kingdoms will one day give way to Christ setting up his eternal kingdom in Jerusalem over which he will reign forever and ever.


The kingdoms of this world are all competing for wealth and power and rarely are they God-honoring.  For instance, Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, like its counterpart in Boston, is promoting gender ideology and has a whole department to help children transition to the gender they imagine they are.  Instead of HELPING they are HARMING them!

The RI Family Institute is helping legislators with model bills that will do just that. You can help also by praying for the following bills to make it through committees and to the State House for a vote…..


IN THE SENATE Senator Elaine Morgan ( is introducing a bill to ‘Ban Gender Surgery on Minors.’  Senator Jessica de la Cruz  ( is introducing  ‘Age Verification Laws’ to make porn websites harder for minors to access.

IN THE HOUSE Representative Patricia Morgan  ( is introducing a ‘Parent’s Bill of Rights’ to protect parental rights that are being ignored in public schools.   Representative Sam Azzinaro ( is introducing a bill to enforce ‘Obscenity Laws’ and protect children by ridding our public schools of pornographic books like Gender Queer.   Google it and you will be shocked at the content aimed at minors in RI public schools!


We will keep you informed on these and other legislation impacting Faith and Family in RI. You can make a difference by emailing your support to these legislators. Let them know you are praying for them and for these bills to pass this year 2024.

For Faith & Family in Rhode Island, 

Dave Aucoin

Rhode Island Family Institute


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