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Marriage Belongs To God


In Jesus’ day divorce had become common and there was little respect for marriage. They were trying to trick Jesus into capitulating to the culture of the day and approving what marriage had become in their secular world. In response Jesus simply reminded them that marriage was God’s idea and no matter what society says God defines it as well as the benefits that come from doing it His way! 

Did you know? According to many studies married people, on average enjoy better mental health, physical health, and longer life expectancy than divorced/separated, widowed and never-married people. Our task is to help marriages to be healthy so people can reap the benefits of what God intended. And, one more fact is that kids do better with a ‘mom and a dad!’


Marriage Equality is another term used to describe gay marriage, but hijacking the name ‘marriage’ doesn’t make the union equal. Something spiritual takes place between a man and a woman in marriage as God intended it and it doesn’t happen otherwise. Jesus described it this way, “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So, they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate.” Mark 10:6–9 (or re-define)


Cambridge City Hall in Massachusetts is where the first legal same-sex marriage was performed on May 17, 2004. It was the first gay “wedding” anywhere in the U.S. and it happened just hours after the Commonwealth of Massachusetts began granting marriage licenses to members of the same sex. The decisive moment had come months before on, November 18, 2003, when the Supreme Judicial Court discovered a right to gay marriage written with invisible ink in the Massachusetts Constitution.


UPCOMING EVENT: Confronting The Lies - On Saturday, February 10th at Saint Mary's - 538 Broadway in Providence (5 pm) - RIFI will be sponsoring Katie Anderson who will be sharing her story of having undergone medical intervention for gender dysphoria, lived as a 'man' for seven years and then returned to embrace her true God-given identity. You don't want to miss this profound story! Click on below link......


We are grateful to all who have come alongside this ministry. Your prayers and support enables us to help families thrive in Rhode Island.


For Faith and Family in Rhode Island

David Aucoin

Rhode Island Family Institute

mobile: 401-285-0304

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