Family Resources
Looking for answers to tough situations that you and your family are facing today. These resources are meant to help and provide you with knowledge and facts. Please visit the various websites - we pray this will help you navigate today's troubled cultural waters and find helpful answers.
Purity Is Possible:
Break free from porn addiction with this FREE self-paced online course by a
Psychiatrist at https://purityispossible.com
2. Defend Young Minds:
Learn to teach your children to reject pornography
at https://www.defendyoungminds.com
3. Defend your children from digital sexual abuse at https://www.thorn.org
4. Learn all about Screen Accountability and More at https://www.covenanteyes.com
5. Learn all about school choice at https://www.publicschoolexit.com
6. Learn how to fight for your child and your parent rights at
7. Take Back Your Life From Unwanted Sexual Behavior https://puredesire.org